You either learn how to tell your story or somebody else will do it for you. On todays episode of Extra Credit Fridays we go back and revisit an iconic conversation from Episode 46 with Tony Gaskins.
Tony Gaskins is a motivational speaker, author and life coach. Having appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Tyra Banks Show and TBN's 700 Club. He speaks on various topics including business, success and self-development but is most known for his love and relationship advice for men which has garnered him a large Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter following. In 2011, he made Under30 Ceo's Top 50 Most Motivational People on the Web.
They will discuss the following:
⭐️ The power of telling your story
⭐️ Why it’s important to define who you are
⭐️ Tips you can apply now to better tell your story
To learn more about Tony visit his instagram 👉🏽 https://instagram.com/tonygaskins
To listen to The Full Episode 46 w/ Tony Gaskins listen here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/schools-over-now-what/id1405269030?i=1000434732151
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Shawn will bring you relevant and practical episodes each week, giving you the tools, and information to get started on a path towards starting the career, or business of your dreams. Each week we will bring you an inspiring person who has asked themselves this very same question, or a message to help you unlock your inner gift. 🔥👇🏽
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Email: Shawn@schoolsovernowwhat.com
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